What The Heck!!!

What the Heck!!!#George Floyd. What the heck is all these killings about? When has becoming a black become a crime? When has being strong become a sting? Oh how my soul hurts,my heart bleeds! Hearing,reading,and watching the bitter end of my fellow black. I tried to ask myse….. Check out complete Poem on Writco by…

How to accomplish your purpose

Purpose is what we are living for and reason of our existence. To fulfill purpose in life we need to take care of many negative influences and distractions which may affect our achieving our purpose. Changing what needs to changed and not quitting is the right way to fulfilling our purposes and success.

The uniqueness of our individual calling.

Every individual has a unique purpose in life which can be likened to our individual races needs to be well understood and well prepared for in other to win and fulfill destiny.

Serenity amidst the pandemic.

when we are faced with troubles,we tend to loose our peace and become more tensed and fearful due to the way we allow the situation to control our emotions and actions but knowing how to stay calm and peaceful amidst trouble is something we all need to master.

Ways to stay well and sane during this pandemic

In this midst of the pandemic and Lock down, people need to take care of their health ,mentally,physically and overall wellness to help them stay sane and fit hence its necessary to maintain good lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Best Sanitary Napkins for Women.

Improving Women’s health With Long rich sanitary Pads. Every female from the adolescent age through the child bearing age perform a common monthly ritual,which requires sanitary napkins as the sacrificial lamb. As a medical laboratory scientist, I have been so concerned about the make up of these sanitary napkins we use monthly. You will be…

The Wonder Herb Aju Mbaise.

The wonder herb for women gynaecological issues. Health is wealth as the saying goes. It is a healthy body,mind and soul that actually make wealth. Today am going to be sharing with us about a particular wonder herbs that God has blessed us with which has been used over the years by women to take…

The Power Of Storytelling.

Do you know that we are in an era now where people are drawn to people’s stories and lives are being transformed drastically by these stories? Our life’s stories are actually vessels of change to us and to others reading them. But one thing is this,most times we do not pay attention to our own…

The Reasons For Every Season.

There are many phases and seasons in our lives and these come in various packages and experiences. There may be the bad ,ugly,hard and sour seasons or there may be the good,sweet,nice season but whichever the season we find ourselves in,the most important thing to do is to relax,take a deep breadth and savour the…